Become a Member
Become a Member!
The Pinnacle Health Auxiliary has a 130-year history of supporting the wellness and health care needs of our community. Auxiliary members are devoted to furthering the system’s mission and helping to preserve the high-quality, compassionate care for which our hospitals and staff members are known.
Auxiliary members receive regular communications on important programs addressing the needs of patients, medical professionals, and staff. Members also receive invitations to meetings and educational programs designed to engage members and encourage collaboration with others.
Active members enjoy volunteering in a variety of functions. Opportunities include:
• Committee work on our two signature fundraisers: Chic PHatisque Fashion Show in the fall or the Club PHantastic Spring Gala
• Annual Children’s Health Fair
• Providing families with lodging at Bailey House during lengthy patient stays
• Assistance with projects such as the Holiday Tribute, newsletter, and special mailings
• Creative craft projects for our newborns
For questions, additional information, please contact us at 717-231-8080