Board and Committees

There are many ways to become involved with the Pinnacle Health Auxiliary, from working on a fundraiser to serving on the Board to volunteering at one of our events. Whatever your interest or talent, we have a place for you. Consider joining one of these committees:

Our Board of Directors

President - Kathy Darowish
President Elect - Jan Lang
Vice President - Beth Mihmet
Treasurer - Cindy Banducci
Assistant Treasurer - Judy McAllister
Recording Secretary - Ginger Zozos
Corresponding Secretary - Christy Leo
Immediate Past President – Lynn Graham

Standing Committees

Bailey House: Manages operation of Bailey House, directs Bailey House fundraising efforts, collaborates with UPMC Pinnacle regarding employee relations

Budget & Finance: Proposes budget, reviews investments and expenditures, oversees audit

Bylaws: Reviews and revises Bylaws as appropriate, making recommendations for changes or updates as needed

Coffee Shops: Oversees operation of coffee shops, collaborates with UPMC Pinnacle regarding Department of Health standards and requirements

Directory: Compiles annual membership directory

Future Events: Strategizes for fundraising events for a minimum of two ensuing years

Health Education: Assists UPMC Pinnacle Mission Effectiveness Team with annual health care education day

Historian: Documents the Auxiliary year with photos and scrapbooks

Hospitality: Organizes refreshments for Board of Directors meetings

Marketing & Publicity: Coordinates, plans, manages marketing and publicity for events and projects

Membership: Maintains membership records, recruits new members

Newsletter: Manages creative and production process for quarterly newsletters, coordinating with UPMC Pinnacle marketing

Nominating: Manages recruitment and nomination for Board of Directors officers

Programs: Plans three membership meetings per year

Scholarships: Manages process for reviewing and evaluating scholarship applications and determining award recipients

Special Committees

Spring Gala/Plans: Plans and implements major fundraising event

Baby Stockings: Coordinates annual sewing/crafting project

Strategic Planning: Evaluates and analyzes future goals and objectives of the Pinnacle Health Auxiliary