Spruce Up Your Stroll at UPMC Carlisle

Natural environments in health care facilities contribute to social integration, decrease stress levels, and increase access to social support for patients, families, and staff.
We believe in approaching this challenge from the ground up – literally.
Spruce Up Your Stroll, spearheaded by the UPMC Pinnacle Foundation, aims to enhance the patient, staff, and overall community experience at UPMC Carlisle by creating a beautiful, and meaningful, outdoor space.
Tackling landscape opportunities from sidewalks, benches, and birdhouses to plants, trees, fitness stations, and more.
Our goal for this project? To promote physical and mental wellness for all.
Spruce Up Your Stroll aims to:
- Reduce medical costs by encouraging healthy and active lifestyles in the community.
- Elevate UPMC Carlisle, and encourage tourism to nearby businesses by attracting visitors to the trail.
- Provide a no-cost recreation and social engagement opportunity for the local community and beyond.